Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Assorted Buns

Chicken Sausage Bun

Tuna Mayo Bun

Garlic Butter Bun

I love bread. So here goes. I made three kinds of fillings. Tuna Mayo, Chicken sausage and lastly, garlic butter.

Among the three, I love the garlic butter the best.


150g bread flour
150g cake flour
5g active dry yeast
3g salt
125g milk
1 egg
60g caster sugar
50g butter

(1 egg, beaten, for glazing)


Boiled chicken sausages

Tuna, mixed with mayonaise, and a bit of lime juice.

Butter, salt, chopped garlic and oregano, mixed into a paste.


  • Mix all dry ingredients in a mixing bowl. Add in milk, egg and butter. Mix into a dough.
  • Place the dough on a lightly floured work surface. Knead the dough until the gluten is fully developed (see tip below) and the dough is elastic, smooth and non-sticky. It will take about 25 mins to knead the dough by hand. Initially the dough will stick on to the work surface. Do not be tempted to add more flour or even give up kneading! After continuous kneading, the dough will no longer stick to the work surface.
  • Place the dough in the mixing bowl and cover with a damp towel or cling wrap to seal in the moisture. Allow the dough to ferment(or proof) until double in bulk. This will take about 1 hr in our Singapore weather. To test whether the dough has been fully proofed, press a finger into the dough and withdraw quickly. It should leave a deep impression and spring back very slowly. For an insufficiently proofed dough, the impression will spring back instantly.
  • Take out the dough and punch out the gas produced. Let the dough rest for about 15 minutes.
  • Divide the dough into 60g portions. Shape and add fillings as desired. Arrange dough in a greased or lined pan. Rest for about another 15 minutes.
  • Brush the top with whole egg mixture.
  • Bake for about 15 minutes in a preheated oven at 190 degree celsius. Remove from pan and cool on wire rack.

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